Bioptron Light Therapy
Bioptron Light Therapy
It is a revolutionary breakthrough in medicine and a new way of treatment in prevention, therapy and rehabilitation. It has a lot of advantages: it is used on multiple areas; it is clinically tested; it is a safe and non-invasive way of treatment without pain; the treatment lasts a short period of time; there aren’t any known harmful side-effects; there is no UV-radiation used in the process…
Main areas of use of Bioptron light therapy:
• Healing wounds (wounds after injuries, operations, burns, ulcerations on legs…)
• Easing of pain (rheumatology, physiotherapy, sports medicine…)
• Skin diseases and disorders (acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin inflammation…)
• Child diseases (inflammation of upper airway, skin diseases, diaper rash…)
• Seasonal mood swings (typical symptoms of winter depression…)
Main areas of use of Bioptron light therapy:
• Healing wounds (wounds after injuries, operations, burns, ulcerations on legs…)
• Easing of pain (rheumatology, physiotherapy, sports medicine…)
• Skin diseases and disorders (acne, eczema, psoriasis, skin inflammation…)
• Child diseases (inflammation of upper airway, skin diseases, diaper rash…)
• Seasonal mood swings (typical symptoms of winter depression…)