Bioresonance Therapy - Mora Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy - Mora Therapy
In the seventies, a German doctor named Dr. Morell had an idea that electromagnetic waves from the patient’s body could be used to diagnose and treat human illness. Together with Ing. Raschke they developed a machine called MORA (after MOrrel and RAschke).
In and around human bodies there are electromagnetic waves. Besides physiological (healthy) electromagnetic waves, we also have pathological waves, which are occurred by toxic strains from surroundings, infections, injuries, untreated sicknesses…
The aim of bioresonance (BRT) therapy is to improve the functioning of the immune system or restore the body’s ability to steer its own processes.
After the therapy the body is again able to treat itself. This method is not only used to treat or identify symptoms, but it is also used to increase and stimulate self-healing of the organism as a whole.
The successfulness of the therapy depends on the patient’s lifestyle.
Signs, which indicate predominating of pathological waves, are:
Fatigue, bad memory, stomach ache, bloating, gas, reticence or diarrhea for no apparent reason, frequent vaginal infections, white discharge, loss of desire for intimacy, acne, allergies,…
An illness occurs when the balance in the body collapses. BRT is often successful at times, where other kinds of treatment fail. BRT treats:
• Allergies
• Migraines
• Neuralgias
• Pulmonary disorders (asthma, bronchitis…)
• Skin diseases (eczema, acne, dermatitis…)
• Stomach, small intestine, colon and kidney problems
• Lyme disease
The number of needed treatments depends on the individual.
In and around human bodies there are electromagnetic waves. Besides physiological (healthy) electromagnetic waves, we also have pathological waves, which are occurred by toxic strains from surroundings, infections, injuries, untreated sicknesses…
The aim of bioresonance (BRT) therapy is to improve the functioning of the immune system or restore the body’s ability to steer its own processes.
After the therapy the body is again able to treat itself. This method is not only used to treat or identify symptoms, but it is also used to increase and stimulate self-healing of the organism as a whole.
The successfulness of the therapy depends on the patient’s lifestyle.
Signs, which indicate predominating of pathological waves, are:
Fatigue, bad memory, stomach ache, bloating, gas, reticence or diarrhea for no apparent reason, frequent vaginal infections, white discharge, loss of desire for intimacy, acne, allergies,…
An illness occurs when the balance in the body collapses. BRT is often successful at times, where other kinds of treatment fail. BRT treats:
• Allergies
• Migraines
• Neuralgias
• Pulmonary disorders (asthma, bronchitis…)
• Skin diseases (eczema, acne, dermatitis…)
• Stomach, small intestine, colon and kidney problems
• Lyme disease
The number of needed treatments depends on the individual.